Book a taxi - Three free of charge methods.

With Menevä, you only pay for the trip.




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5€ discount for new app users with code: ALE5

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Call our toll free number.

+358 800 02120

Free of charge booking phone number.

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Book a taxi straight from the web with our booking form.

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Instructions for the booking form


Fill in the booking details: Fill in at least the pickup time and address. If you want to get a fixed price for your ride, fill in the destination address as well. After typing in the first four letters, the address fields will start suggesting address options. On the bottom part of the map screen you will see the ETA of your ride and, if you have typed in a destination address, also the fixed price for your trip. The phone number is required for booking a taxi because we use SMS messages to keep you updated on the status of your ride. You can also type in your email address and get a booking confirmation to your email. The booking confirmation email also contains a link to cancel your booking if you wish to do so.

If you only filled in the pickup address you will be charged the meter price for your trip.

Click on "Book now" and the system will verify your phone number with a code sent by SMS. Enter the code in the form window when prompted. Once your booking has been successfully registered in the system, you will receive a confirmation by SMS.

You can pay for your order either in the car at the end of your journey ("Cash") or, if you prefer, in advance by payment card. The payment card details will be entered in the next window after you have pressed the "Book now" button.

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Prebooking is always free of charge. On all booking channels.

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Minivan taxis

For a larger group you can book a minivan ride straight from our app. You can check the fare for 5 to 8 passengers from our price calculator on this page.

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Special needs rides

Menevä organises the government reimbursed taxi services in the largest region of Southern Finland. We offer special needs rides with strong experience. We charge an additional fee for special needs rides according to our price list.

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Child seats

We recommend that you bring your own child safety seat. If you are unable to use your own car seat, please book a ride in advance by phone, we will charge an additional child seat fee according to our price list. The safety seats in our cars meet the requirements of the Road Traffic Law and are mainly of a forward-facing design.

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Menevä taxi price list

Check the fares of your area from our service areas page.

Service areas

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